Link building is just one of the numerous ways of website promotion. Despite the fact this advancing method is not new, it is still efficient, and basic link building tips are not so difficult to implement. In this article, we are going to share the ways of how to make your affiliate website more reliable for PageRank as well as your customers with the help of a competent link building strategy.
Make the First Bet on Guest Posting
Probably, guest posting is a link building strategy that will never become outdated. What is more, your backlink is just one of the benefits of this way of promotion. The fact that you can reach even more interested customers is much more pleasant for business owners.

Develop Relationships With Influencers
Influencer marketing is an indispensable part of affiliate website promotion in 2020 and beyond. To utilize it effectively, you should develop your relations with influencers constantly and always motivate them to talk about you, post and share your links, test your products and services, and create even more engaging content on their behalf.
Boost Backlinks Generation With Social Media Contests
Here is one more idea to kill a lot of birds with one stone. Think about launching a social media contest and ask the participants to share the link to your website on their blogs. What is more, it shouldn’t be the only requirement. You may also ask them to register on your website, tag a friend, and start to follow your Insta profile, for example.

However, you shouldn’t set a lot of complicated requirements for people to enter the contest – or you have to offer an expensive prize in advance. As a rule, users would be ready to happily put a lot of effort into fulfilling all the requirements provided they see a real chance of winning, for instance, an iPhone. However, if you are not ready to pony up hundreds of dollars, you should not demand much from your subscribers; a link sharing sounds like just compensation for a chance of winning, say, a discount coupon.
Produce and Share Engaging Content
This point doesn’t need a long explanation. The more interesting and engaging your content is, the more users will be willing to share your link in their blogs and on social media profiles, thereby, boosting your backlink base organically. Hint! Make the highest bet on video since this is the type of content that gets the highest numbers of shares, likes, and comments. And this will be an effective move for your affiliate sales as well.
Have an Affiliate Disclosure Section
You can rationally argue – what is the relationship between the affiliate disclosure statement and your backlinks? Well, rest assured that some kind of connection still exists. Modern customers are really well-versed in the ways of how online business operates. That is why they are becoming more and more careful in choosing the places to make purchases and the ads to trust. So, your affiliate disclosure statement is yet another way to provide transparency and strengthen the trust between you and your audience. The feeling of trust provokes the desire not only to buy but also to share and recommend. Invest in trust – this is the best strategy to get a lot of organic backlinks placed by your customers – just because they want to do it.
Compete With Other Affiliates on Equal Terms
This strategy is quite simple but really worthwhile. The only thing you need to do is to find out what websites your competitors use to publish their links and get in touch with these platforms. If these platforms are promoting backlinks of your competitors (and their content respectively), there are all reasons to believe that they will allow you to place some of your links as well.
Be Active on Forums
Yes, this way of backlink building is as old as the global network. However, it still works. Here are some rules you need to remember to grow your backlinks base with the help of forums.Choose relevant forums only.
For example, Quora is a universal platform where you may find questions and answers from all areas possible. Surely, this is a perfect platform to start with. Nevertheless, there are also a lot of other thematic forums with a specific audience. These are the best places to publish your organic link and share some valuable advice along with it. Please keep in mind a crucial piece of advice from us: never spam forums with your
backlinks. The best strategy is to do it manually, by posting ultimate answers and tips. Place one link on one forum per day. Google is smart enough to catch spammy activity and block your accounts.

Buy High-Quality Backlinks to Strengthen Your Strategy
Fortunately, there are also places where you can just buy website backlinks and do it in the most organic way possible. What is more, Google accepts this strategy as there is nothing prohibited in backlinks buying, especially if you do it right. It is impossible to track backlinking buying transactions but it is still possible to promote your website with their help. What is more, using special services like Linksmanagement, you may personally choose the websites that suit your affiliate business best. Here, you will be free to get in touch with high-authority website owners and agree on a publication on mutually beneficial terms!
As you can see, there is nothing difficult in promoting your affiliate platform with the help of strategic backlinks building and management. Utilize each tip we have offered you above, and don’t forget to track and analyze your results to monitor the success.